Saturday, December 9, 2006

O'My - Clitoral Stimulating Gel

Rating: 1.5/5
Impressions: This one seems to have backfired on me, but it does feel rather pleasant.
Price: $17.99 from

This teeny little tube of mentholated gel is supposed to increase clitoral sensitivity, increasing pleasure and making orgasm easier, which sounds right up my alley. A little more sensitivity would definitely be a welcome change for me, although I'm happy enough as it is, as long as I have a strong vibrator.

I did some research on this before deciding to buy it ($17.99 for the small amount you get is a bit much if it doesn't work, if you ask me) and found that it seemed to be hit or miss. Some women loved it and swore by it and others said it did nothing for them. A typical "your mileage may vary" product, in other words, which is to be expected when it comes to something intended to increase sensitivity in a part of a woman's body that varies so much from woman to woman to being with.

So ordering it was a gamble and unfortunatley it wasn't one that paid off. The gel has menthol as an active ingredient, which is intended to create a warming (strange, isn't it that something that's normally considered "cooling" can be warming?) sensation and increase blood flow to the clitoris and that generally means one of three things when it comes to application of said gel to a sensitive body part: (1) it'll burn like all get out, (2) it'll create a nice warming/cooling sensation or (3) it'll do absolutely nothing because the person it's being applied to isn't sensitive to menthol.

While I thought I was the kind of person who would have fallen into either the first or second category (I have sensitive skin and things like Icy Hot leave me rushing to get that burning of doom off of my skin but every now and then I can handle it and it feels lovely and warm - or cool). Evidently I was wrong, at least as far as this product goes.

The gel did create a pleasant warming sensation - nowhere near the extreme warmth the instructions indicated would happen - but it was mild and disappeared pretty quickly. It was nice, though, and it's actually the one positive thing I have to say about this particular product (as far as it applies to use on my body)...well, that and it doesn't have all sorts of nasty chemicals in it.

But did it work? That's where the wheels fell off. Not only did it not seem to do much of anything for increasing sensitivity (using my Lynx didn't feel any better than usual), but it actually seemed to have made it impossible for me to orgasm. In other words, it backfired in a major way.

Now, to be fair, it might be that I wasn't using enough (how big is a "teardrop sized" amount, anyway?) and I'm going to give it another shot with more gel just to be sure, but so far this one's a dud. Back to the old drawing board in the search for something that actually works.

(Buy O'My Clitoral Stimulating Gel from

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